Tuesday 26 February 2019

Feb 4th Infographics

4 Infographics
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Infographics about me

Friday post feb 1st 2019

What do i already know.
I do not know a lot about infotech. I am interested in learning how to code. There is a lot typing involved.
Image result for hackerman
What do i want to learn
I want to learn how to code stuff. I would like to learn how to do more things. I think it would be cool to buuild a robot
Image result for iron giant Image result for spaceship

How will computers fit into my future
if i think about i will probably work an office job. Most office jobs make you use a computer or something like one. That's how it will fit in to my life minus already have one
Image result for hide the pain harold
Image result for laptop

Exit Interview

1. Which assignments did you enjoy and why?  The assignment i enjoyed the most is Raft because i enjoy playing video games and i got to pla...