Tuesday 18 June 2019

Exit Interview

1. Which assignments did you enjoy and why? 
The assignment i enjoyed the most is Raft because i enjoy playing video games and i got to play a new video game which was pretty fun

2. Which assignments did you struggle with and why? 

The assignments i struggled with was the coding as i found that sort of boring but sometimes it was fun when the images came together 

3. Report Card Comment
Aiden was pretty good at everything in the course, he was able to code efficiently and completed all the health week assignments on time and well. He completed the animate assignments and even did extra on some of them. All and all I think he deserves an A 


Raft Starting Anew

Friday 14 June 2019

Raft Play day 3

I finished  building my second floor its pretty useful as i can can use if for more space and its a better vantage point to view things from.

These will help me as i can move around from spot to spot, and i can have way more moves to pick from, also this can help me reach higher islands which i need to do.

the strategies im going to try and focus on tomorrow is getting a lot of materials so i can make what items i want

I built the first floor so i could die and store my weapons/materials and out of necessity as i was constantly dying when i build it out
I built the second floor to have a better vantage point and to have more room on my boat 

Thursday 13 June 2019

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Raft Play Day 2

1.Today I died, i died  a lot most of the time it was by not having water/food because I did not have the materials to build the things required to get them

2.If you are going to die put your stuff in storage bins as that really helpful so if you die you can get your stuff back

3.To play the game you really need to be cautious about your health and the necessities so im going to try and get a lot of food and water

I added tsairs and such to gain some size to my raft

Monday 10 June 2019

Raft Play Day 1

Today I went around gathering materials and researching my main goal is to get the bow and arrow so i can kill the shark without getting in the water

A tip i have is to always try to stop at islands and rafts as they have a crate which is very good for collecting loot

A strategy im going to focus on is patience i always rush things

On My raft i have 2 purifiers and one cooker i have a few miny walls running along the side, I have a sail and a research table

Friday 7 June 2019

Raft Day 1

Raft Is a game where you are stranded on the ocean and have to survive

In Raft You have to Collect debris and manage your thirst and hunger you can collect debris by throwing your hook

 Driftwood helps build stuff and is a basic resource

Barrels are full of useful things it has mostly common items and some uncommon supplies

A leaf helps you build rope

Plastic is also very useful

This Shark is super annoying and i want to kill it

Day 4 Car

2 seater fast

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Monday 6 May 2019

Animate CC 1

The tools i used were the polystar tool,paintbrush, oval, pencil, text, line,rectangle, paint bucket, ink bottle,eye dropper.

Exit Interview

1. Which assignments did you enjoy and why?  The assignment i enjoyed the most is Raft because i enjoy playing video games and i got to pla...